Transform Your Life in Just 12 Weeks with 'EMPOWERED'

Unlock Extraordinary Peace, Joy, and Confidence

Start Your Empowerment Journey

Feeling STUCK in a Cycle of Self-Doubt, and Worry?

Despite your efforts in personal development, do you find yourself trapped in unhappiness?

You're not alone.

Many of us feel just out of reach of the life we truly desire.

It's time for a real change!

Welcome to


(formerly Awesome You)

Discover a revolutionary, life-changing approach to personal growth unlike any other. 'You Empowered' isn't just a program—it's your roadmap to breaking free from the chains of doubt and embracing a life filled with joy, confidence, and inner peace.



(formerly Awesome You)



"I've learned more in the 1st three weeks than I've learned on my own through self development in 20 years!" - Terry R.


"Elena is such a wealth of information. This program will give you tools to connect with people and your soul." - Anne D.
"This program has really changed the way I view my ability to change my future or pave my own path." - Megan S.

The HARSH reality...

your EGO, quietly undermines you, by shaping patterns that hold you back in every area of your life and steals your potential for success, wealth, health and even love.  It's costing you the life you deserve. 


  • You are tired of feeling empty, not sure what will bring you joy...
  • The stress and worry of self-doubt are wreaking havoc on your body and your relationships...
  • It's hard for you to hold on to happiness, and you feel weary...

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Consider this...

  • 90 MILLION people on the planet have reported that they feel unfulfilled
  • 85% of people have admitted that they often experience self-doubt
  • 70% of relationships fail within the 1st two year

It's not because you aren't working hard to change your life. 

It's because you are working hard on the WRONG things. 
You believe you have to fix yourself, that something is wrong with you
You have  spent a lot of time and money on solutions that aren't working.
The self-help seminars you've attended and books you've read aren't providing you with a complete and CLEAR roadmap to your ultimate dreams. 

Our mission is crystal clear:

To give you all the answers that will finally liberate you from all self-sabotage so you can step into being the person God created you to be.


Over 12 transformative weeks, you'll dive deep into understanding and overcoming the barriers holding you back. With expert guidance and a supportive community, you'll unlock the door to a life you deserve.

Life-Changing Curriculum

  • Module 1 - The Now And The Mind - Evaluate where you are now and what is currently not working while learning about the mind and how it sabotages you.
  • Module 2 - The Grips Of Beliefs - Understand how beliefs work with RAS to hold reality in place.
  • Module 3 - Potentiality - Expand your awareness of self, release the FALSE self and create a new identity.
  • Module 4 - Your Heighest Vision - Create the highest vision from your new identity.
  • Module 5 - Emotions & Energy - Learn the energetic nature of emotions, and why you must harness them.
  • Module 6 - Words & Energy - Understand the power of words & how to use them to create desired results.
  • Module 7 - The I AM Affect - Discover the most powerful paradigm that may be currently sabotaging you.
  • Module 8 - The Power of Habits - Understand how habits hold routines in place and can destroy your desires.
  • Module 9 - Connecting to Source - Understand the criticalness of your spiritual connection for a life well lived.
  • Module 10 - Truth - Come to know the most fundamental aspect of truth as it relates to your self-worth.
  • Module 11 - Forgiveness - Explore forgiveness, its difficulty, and why your evolution requires it.
  • Module 12 - The Highest YouEstablish the highest expression for the rest of your life in a beautiful closing ceremony.

✔ Dive into a transformative 12-module journey, leveraging 35 years of science for swift, lasting change.

✔ Get a clear roadmap to success, master life beyond ego's reach, and unlock your full potential.

✔ Includes weekly support, personalized coaching, and 24/7 access to materials on our app.

Your journey to success starts here.


  • Unshakable Confidence: Stand firm in the face of any challenge.
  • Peaceful Mindset: Cultivate serenity and strength within.
  • Clear Purpose: Navigate life with conviction and clarity.
  • Joyful Living: Find happiness in every moment.
  • Impactful Relationships: Build meaningful connections based on mutual respect, understanding, and love, enhancing your personal and professional life.


  • Playing Small: It's time to unleash your greatness!
  • Suffocating Worries: Start living peacefully in the moment.
  • Undervaluing Yourself: Stand in your worth and strength. 
  • Relentlessly  Searching For Love: Let your inner radiance be a magnet to love.
  • Being a Perpetual "Yes" Person: Confidently make choices that serve you.
  • Endlessly 'Doing': It is now your turn to receive.


(formerly Awesome You)

Lisa Butvilas - Office Manager
Dr. Andrea Blake - 
Dr. of Chiropractic, Health Coach
Natasa Zoubouridis - Director, Entrepreneur, Author



So If You're Done Being Completely Frustrated, Feeling Stuck And Settling For A Life Of Mediocrity, or Living By Default, Get Ready For All Of That To Change As You Transform Your Life From Inside Yourself.




Meet Elena, Your Guide  to Empowerment

With 37 years of journeying through the landscape of personal development, Elena stands as a beacon of resilience and empowerment. Her life, marked by the triumph over life's fiercest storms and the shadows of past traumas, is a testament to the extraordinary power that lies within each of us.
Elena knows the whispers of "not enough" all too well—yet, she also knows that overcoming these voices is not just a possibility but your inherent right. Tapping into the super-conscious, she has unlocked abilities that once lay dormant, affirming that you, too, can discover strengths you never knew you had.
As your guide, Elena is here to navigate you through the maze of self-doubt and self-sabotage. With her by your side, you'll illuminate your true path: a journey of choosing empowerment, breaking free from the ego's limits, and embracing the profound, soul-stirring power within.
Are you ready for a life-changing journey?
Together, let's elevate every aspect of your life. It's time to thrive, to unleash the empowered you that's been waiting to shine. Join Elena on this transformative adventure with Empowered You, where your journey and strategies become intertwined, guiding you to the pinnacle of your potential.


This IS for You if...

Empowered You is meticulously designed for the person who stands at the crossroads of her personal development journey, seeking the path that leads to her truest potential. If you find yourself nodding along to any of the following, you're in the right place:

  • You've Invested in Personal Growth but Still Feel Stuck: You're the woman who's read the books, attended the workshops, and practiced the affirmations but still finds herself asking, "Why am I not living up to my potential?" You're determined to break through the ceiling of self-doubt that's keeping you from your dreams.

  • Your Relationships Don't Reflect Who You Want to Be: Despite your success in other areas of life, your personal relationships leave you feeling unfulfilled, stuck, or anxious. You recognize the patterns of neediness, ego, and fear in your interactions and crave a connection that mirrors your true self.

  • You're Successful Yet Unfulfilled: You've climbed the ladder of success, yet at the end of the day, you feel burned out from putting everyone's needs before your own. It's time for you to step into your light, prioritizing your well-being and embracing the empowerment that comes from self-care and setting boundaries.

Empowered You is not just another personal development program—it's a beacon for those ready to delve deeper, to unearth the strength that lies within. It's for the woman ready to dismantle the barriers to her fulfillment, to cultivate authentic relationships, and to finally live a life that resonates with her essence.

If you see yourself in these words, Empowered You is your next step. Join us, and let's journey to the heights of what you're truly capable of.

This may NOT Be For You if...

While Empowered You is a transformative journey designed to uplift and empower, it’s important to recognize that this path is not suited for everyone. This program might not align with your needs if you identify with any of the following:

  • Looking for Quick Fixes or Easy Answers: If you’re in search of overnight solutions or instant transformation without the willingness to delve deep and do the work, Empowered You may not meet your expectations. This journey is about sustainable growth and lasting change, which requires time, commitment, and self-reflection.

  • Unwilling to Challenge Your Comfort Zone: This program is built on the premise of pushing boundaries and exploring uncharted territories within yourself. If you're not ready to step out of your comfort zone, confront your shadows, and embrace vulnerability, you might not fully benefit from what Empowered You has to offer.

  • Not Open to New Perspectives and Change: Empowered You is for those who are coachable, open-minded, and ready for transformation. If you're set in your ways, resistant to new ideas, or unwilling to reconsider your beliefs and behaviors, this program may not serve you well.

  • You Blame External Circumstances for Unhappiness: The essence of Empowered You is taking personal responsibility for your life and happiness. If you're not in a place where you're ready to look inward and acknowledge your role in your circumstances, this journey might not be for you at this time.

Empowered You is a call to action for those who are ready to embrace their power, confront their limitations, and step into their greatness. It’s a commitment to personal evolution and the hard work that comes with it. If you’re looking for a supportive community and a guide to lead you through your transformation, we welcome you with open arms. However, if you’re not quite ready for this level of commitment, there are many paths to growth, and we hope you find the one that’s right for you.

Does the life you DESIRE and DESERVE

ELUDE you?








  • Break FREE of the things that are keeping you from your authentic greatness.
  • Feel secure, trust yourself, and live up to what you KNOW you're capable of.
  • Have healthy boundaries that create a balanced life with time for work, play, and time for yourself.
  • Sleep like a baby at night because you're no longer in your head worrying and overthinking.
  • Trust your ideas and decisions, comfortably share them and confidently act on them.
  • Feel fully alive, present to life, and clear about what you need and how to manifest it.
  • Feel supported, seen, understood, and reassured.
  • Be emotionally strong and respond powerfully to situations that once used to trigger the worst reaction in you.
  • Attract the love you seek because you love yourself fully, have great boundaries and are now a perfect match for that ideal relationship.
  • Have unshakable faith that gets you through anything life may throw at you?
  • Love being yourself,  spending time alone, and taking responsibility for your happiness.
  • Manifest dreams and express your highest potential.
  • Be FULLFILLED and HAPPY in every area of your life. 
I WANT This Kind of Life!

"When I started this group after many years of just one-on-one clients, I really didn’t know what God would do with it (or me) and while I still don’t know the scope or the trajectory all this will take, I had NO idea how HE would BLESS my heart.

As I read member comments, see what they share, as I sense the synchronicity and feel into the possibilities for each person that joins me, I am blown away and humbled.

I know that you will each co-create your shifts with GOD’s guidance; the fact that I get to be a guide and encourage you for this part of your journey is an honor that fills me to my soul.

Each of you will feel, be moved, be awakened, be reminded, hear, sense, and receive what is perfect and timely for this part of your life’s journey.  Know that I am here in whatever capacity you need me as we walk this path together. I SEE You – the REAL you."  


Excellerated Classes start Monday, March 20th  2 per week

6 weeks to an IMPROVED Life!

This accelerated version condenses 12 modules into 6 weeks.

Classes are held Monday & Thursday (recorded in case you miss a live class)

6 weeks to the life you want!


Your life will change in proportion to how YOU nurture your "MIND"! 

  • OVER 3 decades of information collapsed into 12 modules (Value: $250,000)
  • Curated worksheets to amplify learning (Value: $100)
  • Mobile App allows you to review the curriculum on the go (Value: $100)
  • One-on-One personal coaching to help you apply information to your own life (Value: $600)
  • A POWERFUL NEW LIFE! (Value: $ Priceless)



Group Coaching Program



(as low as $130/mo.)






Group Coaching Program








With my 100% Money Back Guarantee

There is NO risk. Nothing to lose except your doubts and limiting beliefs.

More About Return Policy
Elena Zanfei Coaching BBB Business Review

Not sure this is for you?

I know exactly how you feel -  I've been there many times, unsure if something was worth the investment or the right thing for me.
Let's have a friendly, no-obligation chat where you can ask me any questions, and I will honestly assess if this is the right investment for you at this time.
Whether you choose to move forward is entirely up to you, and I promise you'll be glad we had this conversation because I WILL help you gaing clarity.
You may discover this is not the right solution or the right time... but if it is... boy are you in for a life changing experience.
If we don't chat, how will you know?
Information is power- schedule a chat.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

If this fails to answer all your questions, feel free to CLICK HERE to open the Contact Me form and submit any additional questions. I will answer within 24 hours.

I'm DONE with Excuses! I'm DONE with the Struggle! I'm READY for the life INTENDED for me!
Don't let hesitation lock you away from the life you're meant to live. Every moment spent in indecision is a step away from your potential, a missed opportunity for happiness and success. If you don't act now, you risk being in the same place next year, haunted by "what could have been."
Embrace the change you need. Enroll in "EMPOWERED" and turn the possibility of tomorrow into the reality of today. The cost of inaction is too high—don't miss out on transforming your life. Your empowered journey starts now.


Got Questions? We've Got Answers

What is the likely and predictable outcome if you do NOTHING and continue with what you know?


Terri Ream - Life Coach

I was stuck; something was holding me back, and didn't know what it was...I wanted to figure out my limiting beliefs. Through this program I found that I was hiding and not using my voice or being visible.  This program was a great decision because I learned something new in every module; Elena is amazing in articulating the information and sharing her experience. I would tell anyone considering joining to do it...it's life-changing!

Anne Drazba - Teacher

I lacked confidence which impacted my ability to try new things. It also created a lot of fear in me. I was only seeing things I was unable to do. Since this program, I have continuously seen my successes. I don't have the same limiting beliefs. I have so many tools that I enjoy using. Elena is such a wealth of information and has taught me so much. I would recommend this program for anyone who want to make positive steps in their lives but don't know where to start. This class will give you all the tools you need to connect with people and your soul.

Ruba Almasri Zanaid - CRA

Before participating in this program, I was at the lowest point in my life, the darkest space I have ever been to, the strangest pain that I had to face. Joining this program was the best decision I made, it got me slowly but steadily to the other side of my emotional pains to another bigger and better world that is awaiting me. That was part of my healing journey through this program. To anyone considering joining this program or coaching with Elena, I advise you to DO IT. It will CHANGE your life. You will grow and evolve in so many ways that you cannot even imagine now.

Join these alumni and create YOUR transformation. 

Like you, they were scared to take the leap. Many of them had real concerns:
  • What if this doesn't work for me?
  • What if I can't do what's asked of me?
  • What if I don't have the time?
But they pushed through all their fears, trusted that something guided them here, trusted me, and joined me.
They are ALL so glad they did, and so WILL YOU! 
I'm Ready to Put My Fears ASIDE, Trust & Become EMPOWERED

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Welcome to EMPOWERED, the life-changing online personal development program. Before you embark on this transformative journey, we want to ensure you fully understand the following disclaimer:

Individual Results May Vary: EMPOWERED offers powerful tools and insights for personal growth, but please be aware that individual results may vary. Your success depends on your commitment, dedication, and application of the program's teachings.

Not a Substitute for Professional Advice: EMPOWERED is designed to provide valuable personal development guidance, but it is not a replacement for professional advice, therapy, or counseling. If you are dealing with specific mental health or emotional issues, we recommend seeking help from a qualified professional.

Assumption of Risk: While we strive to create a supportive online environment, engaging in personal development activities may involve risks. By participating in EMPOWERED, you acknowledge and assume all associated risks.

Earnings and Success: Any references to earnings or success stories on this sales page are for illustrative purposes only. They do not guarantee or imply that you will achieve similar results. Your success in personal development is contingent on your own efforts and circumstances.

Testimonials and Reviews: Testimonials and reviews provided by previous participants reflect their individual experiences. They are not a guarantee of specific results. Your journey may differ, so make an informed decision based on your personal needs and goals.

Not a Fix-It-Quick Scheme: EMPOWERED is not a GET-IT-QUICK scheme. It is a program focused on personal growth and self-improvement. Immediate gains of any type are not guaranteed.

Copyright and Intellectual Property: All materials, including text, videos, audio recordings, and worksheets provided in EMPOWERED, are copyrighted and the intellectual property of [ELENA ZANFEI COACHING]. They are for your personal use only and may not be shared, reproduced, or distributed without written permission.

By proceeding with your purchase of EMPOWERED, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to this disclaimer. You also absolve ELENA ZANFEI, its founders, and affiliates of any liability for outcomes, losses, or damages resulting from your participation in the program.

Should you disagree with any part of this disclaimer, we kindly ask you not to proceed with the purchase.

For any questions or concerns, please contact our support team at  [email protected].

Thank you for choosing EMPOWERED. Get ready to unlock your true potential and embark on a life-changing journey!